have you always loved cooking?
do you have the ability to follow simple instructions?
would you love to be around middle aged and semi geriatric people who have the energy of 9 year olds on christmas morning?
We are currently looking for a talented chef/cook that is self motivated, no drama, or cussing, carrying on, or have extra curricular activities that involve drugs or excessive drinking to join our incredible growing team!
do we work hard and take pride in our job?
are we a joy to work with and do we laugh a lot?
please do not fill out this form if you get your feelings hurt easily, like to take so many breaks we wonder where your behind is at, move slow as molasses and cannot multitask. you will get your feelings hurt.
we will not suggest you for another job in this city because everyone is friends with us and we dont do that to friends.
we’re og like that.
if you chuckled after reading all of this then you will fit in quite nicely.